Tuesday, May 26, 2009

My Typing Speed

My typing speed increased to 49WPM and no mistake that means I am very fast at tying speed. Also I am bad at look and type, but when I just type from my head like right now, I am fast. So I want to say that my typing speed increased.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Test about the search engines and what I like to learn about

I think the test was kind of hard because I did studied, but I was nervous that I almost forgot everything that I studied. Also I would like to learn more about the hardware because the when I grow up I want to be computer engineer so I really like to know how to tare out the computer machine and put them back in to the new computer. My mom's computer is slow so I would like know how to make the computer faster. So I really like to learn more about the computer...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

G6 IT focus this week/last week

Continuing & completing unit on "Searching for and evaluating information on the www; OR google is Not a Source!" Learning about: ways to find the best and most accurate info on the www. Boolean operators and related techniques... Ways to know the information is reliable:
FOUR step process:
1. Look for, check-domain name, & code
2. determine author(s) or authorship
3. look for the date and time of publication
4. ----
The forth step is "who is responsible to the information..."

Also some cool tools: The Wayback machine, Rumour page and......

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

I think the blog entry is cool because I can put a new information that I got from the IT class. Haha. I will show you what I learned yesterday,,,

Finding & Evaluating Information 04/01/09

How do we find information?
1. Books: Encyclopedia, dictionary
2. Periodical: newspaper
3. People: Parents, teachers, grandparents, friends
4. Other Media: TV, MP3, DVD, movies
5. Traveling to Places
6. WWW/ Internet: Google, Ask, Wikipedia, Yahoo, and Naver.
(( The internet is a great place to find things it's also an easy place to get lost.))- Mr. Sean
Classification: to identify, name and organize by group, sets of information, and/ or divide by category

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

What we learned in IT...

This month and last month we learned more about RSS and to put the podcast. This is my example:
Subscribe Free
Add to my Page *^__^* I accually borrowed it from the Gcast which is good to post your podcast...

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My Typing Speed

I think I am fast because I got 69 on my last test. Don't you think it's fast?? Most of my friends can't do that fast because you know why I am very fast?? I actually practiced everyday... If you practice everyday, you can be fast like me.. So the word that I want you to know to practice a lot. This is the chart from October to April.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


I think those casting is cool because we can put our information to the internet... Also people can know us. People can know more about the casting when they don't know how the pod and vodcast works. Many people can do the cast at their home. Also the can put into the internet or if they do have a blog they put it in their blogs. So I think I can meet you in the blog again or you can remember my voice from the podcast.

(P.S) Even though it is bad please listen to it...